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Oh no! The dreaded flu!

If you get the flu, odds are you will survive.  About 1000-3000 die annually out of over 300 million patients so you will likely be fine.  If you have fragile health or getting worse instead of better, then you should seek care.  Otherwise stay home and do some self care.  Here are the tips I would do  (and have done the one time we had it) for my family.

First of all, there is no need for Tamiflu.  Studies show it may shorten the flu by 3/4 of a day.  It isn't worth the risk of psychiatric side effects for such little benefit.  Several studies show no benefit at all.  So here are several things you can do.  I recommend to get these items before flu season just in case so you don't have to go out sick and share it with everyone.  See my flu prevention blog to try to ward it off.

Elderberry syrup is a great anti viral.  Email or call 704-98902156 for some organic, locally made elderberry syrup by one of our best, Stephanie Rickenbaker.  They have some lower glycemic versions for diabetics and safe versions for infants as well.  Take that frequently through the day starting at the onset.  It is food so I can't imagine overdosing on this.

Homeopathic aconitum, oscillococcinum/ Influenzinum (buy both aconitum and one of the other two).  At onset of fever and body aches, start one or both of these taking 3 pellets every 15 minutes for two hours and then as needed.  Safe for babies even.

Take a vitamin burst-.  Vitamin A -adults -15,000-25,000 IU three times a day for 2 days, kids under twelve twice a day for up to two maybe three days max, Infants can have up to two doses daily for max two days.  Vitamin D adults 100,000 IU daily (get the liquid higher dose kind) for up to 5 days, kids under 12 up to 10,000 IU daily for 5 days unless you have a parathyroid problem or super high calcium issue. Then vitamin C -adults 1000 mg 4-5 times per day,  kids under 12- 1000 mg 3-4 times per day, kids 1-5 500 mg 3-4 times per day, infants- buffered vitamin C pinch in each cheek every 1-2 hours.  Stop the vitamin C if there is stomach cramping or diarrhea as that is the sign of having more than enough.

Then look at my cold handout on managing the other symptoms but in general, do hot epsom salt baths with apple cider vinegar baths, simply saline, and the wet sock trick.

May you have a quick recovery. Legal disclaimer : If you develop shortness of breath or any scary purple rashes or mental status changes, get help ASAP!.


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