Dairy! I how I adore a cup of whole milk hot chocolate. I adore butter. I adore cheese. Unfortunately, the bodies of myself and kids do not love dairy. Each of us has had a different reaction to it so it has taught me a lot how to recognize and fix problems I see in my patients. Giselle, my oldest had big tonsils. Kissing tonsils they say. She would snore like a man and have pauses, like she wasn't breathing for seconds at a time. She didn't drink milk but ate her much loved mozzarella cheese sticks daily. My naturopath said to stop dairy. I was like " but it is only one a day and she LOVES them". He repeats.."Stop dairy". So we did and within a week, no more snoring. She still has occasional cheese but if she eats it more than three times in a week, she starts getting tonsillar stones and it drives her nuts. She is able to do ice cream and yogurt but not milk or cheese on a regular...